On submission of medical excuse certificates

Dear Students,

In case of illness, you should seek qualified medical assistance on the day of illness by visiting a healthcare organization, calling a healthcare professional, and/or requesting a home visit by an ambulance to receive a medical certificate. The medical certificate will reflect the period from the day of your examination by the doctor until your full recovery. The certificate is not issued for the past period if you have not been seen by the healthcare provider.

Here are the steps to be followed for getting a medical excuse from the classes at your School:
1. BRING THE HARD COPY OF THE MEDICAl CERTIFICATE: You must bring the hard copy of the medical certificate to the UMC Medical Assistance coordinators at the UHC on campus (Block D7 (24), floor 1) during the working hours: 08:00 - 17:00 with the lunch break: 13:00 - 14:00.

2. SUBMIT A COPY BY EMAIL: Send a copy of your medical certificate from your NU email to the following addresses: uhc.reception@nu.edu.kz and student.health@nu.edu.kz with the following information as indicated below:

Email subject format: FullName_School_YearOfStudy_spravka.

Include the following information:

City where the medical certificate was obtained;

Clinic name with contact information (phone number);

Doctor's full name and contact information;

Your NU ID, IIN, and permanent address of residence.

Once you submit the medical certificate (spravka) to the UMC Medical Assistance coordinators, dates of your medical excuse will be available for review by your School administration within 1-2 days. Please, do not forget to bring the hard copy of the medical certificate, especially if it is issued outside UMC.

If you have missed more than 21 days, the medical certificate can be extended based on your health condition by a medical advisory committee (ВКК).

For details you may get acquainted with the Guidance in case of illness and medical excuse from classes (downloadable for your references).

Best regards,
Health and Well-being Department